PetMassage Vectoring principles
/You can help your dog regain a natural state of homeostasis (equilibrium) with the gentle touch technique known as vectoring.
Vectoring forms the opening and closing sequences to a full PetMassage™ session as prescribed by Jonathan Rudinger, founder and director of the PetMassage Training and Research Institute, Toledo Ohio USA.
PetMassage™ Vectoring is an ordered sequence of still-holding two areas of the dog’s body at the same time, while observing the musculo-skeletal movement under your hands in the channel, or vector, between them. Vectoring is active observation.
Performed over fascia planes, Vectoring helps to release deep holding patterns, promotes the movement of chemicals inside the tissues, releases toxins and much more. Vectoring with your dog once a day, on alternate days, will give the dog time to integrate, assimilate and eliminate.
Vectoring draws the dog’s awareness and attention to specific areas of the body where the dog can focus on inner sensations, reacquainting themselves while in a calm and safe environment. In essence, Vectoring is helping the dog help themselves by supporting their inner healing.
Vectoring allows you to feel through your hands, as opposed to looking with your eyes. Feel the texture of the hair, the temperature of the coat, the minute movements in the fascia and muscles, the action of the lungs and the beating of the heart. Every movement means something.
Following is an extract from a research paper by the amazing Temple Grandin, Ph.D. on the Clinical Effects of Deep Tiouch Pressure.
Ref Calming Effects of Deep Touch Pressure in Patients with Autistic Disorder, College Students, and Animals - TEMPLE GRANDIN, Ph.D.
Deep touch pressure is the type of surface pressure that is exerted in most types of firm touching, holding, stroking, petting of animals, or swaddling. In contrast, light touch pressure is a more superficial stimulation of the skin, such as tickling, very light touch, or moving hairs on the skin. In animals, the tickle of a fly landing on the skin may cause a cow to kick, but the firm touch of the farmer's hands quiets her. Occupational therapists have observed that a very light touch alerts the nervous system, but deep pressure is relaxing and calming.
Interesting information!