Animal Communication and the Map of Consciousness - Holistic Bliss Magazine (June 2018)

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While studying with the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy in 2013, I was introduced to the Map of Consciousness, a fascinating exploration into vibrational energy.

Sir David R Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., is an internationally renowned psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, spiritual lecturer, and mystic who combined the discovery that, all atoms and sub atoms are energy, with leading research on human awareness. The results scientifically validated and proves ALL objects possess energy – and this energy vibrates on what is known as the Map of Consciousness.

Below is a very brief snap shot.

The Map of Consciousness ranges from 1 -1000. The lowest end of the spectrum is someone in complete survival mode, the highest end being an enlightened master – e.g. Jesus and Buddha.

If you are functioning above level 200, you will have more positive traits relating to higher consciousness and will operate from a level of truth. Traits like: neutrality (250) willingness (310), acceptance (350), reason (400), love (500), joy (540), peace (600) and enlightenment (700 – 1000).

If you are functioning below level 200, you will have more negative traits and be operating from a level of survival and falsehood. Traits like: shame (1 – 20), guilt (30), apathy (50), grief (75), fear (100), desire (craving and addiction 125), anger (150), pride (materialistic 175), courage (200).                                                    

Approximately 85% of the human race calibrates below the critical level of 200. Luckily, the power of individuals calibrating way above 200 counterbalances the weakness of the masses.

Dr Hawkins also discovered that your energy affects those around you. One person operating at a level of love (500) can lift 750,000 others individuals to above 200.

For example:

  • ·         1 person at level 300 counterbalances 90,000 individuals below 200
  • ·         1 person at level 400 counterbalances 400,000 individuals below 200
  • ·         1 person at level 500 counterbalances 750,000 individuals below 200
  • ·         1 person at level 600 counterbalances 10 million individuals below 200
  • ·         1 person at level 700 counterbalances 70 million individuals below 200

Thank goodness for that counterbalance or the human race would self-destruct through mass negativity!

So how do you raise your level of consciousness?

I recently raised my vibrations of guilt (30) and grief (75) to acceptance (350) by working with animal communicator Jane Gorton of Mrs Doolittle’s Pawfect Harmony.

For six years I had been grieving the loss of my heart dog Sandy. Emotions were raw, tears flowed and I felt emotionally ‘stuck’. Jane intuitively connected with Sandy using a modality called Theta Resonance At All Levels, a holistic and spiritual method of healing developed by Australian, Katherine Bright ND.

With Jane’s compassionate communication and Dr Hawkins explanation I can now appreciate my connection beyond the physical with my unlimited, joyous companion Sandy.

Animals bring their own unconditional love to a relationship, instantly raising our vibration. With a deeper level of connection made possible through animal communication a good vibration of love (500) for all sentient beings can radiate.

Zen Dog Massage


Mrs Doolittle’s Pawfect Harmony

Ref: Study Notes ISCA – Feb 2013 Module 2 – Session 3 - The Power of Consciousness

Ref: Power vs Force by Dr David R Hawkins MD, PhD

Book Reviews

Following are three book reviews as featured in the 100th issue of Holistic Bliss Magazine, April 2018.


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Zen Dogs

AUTHOR Alex Cearns

RRP: $24.99 Available directly from

You can’t help but smile and spend a meditative moment soaking up the tranquillity on the faces of eighty Zen Dogs featured in Alex Cearns beautiful coffee table book.

Inspired by Suzi the Shar-pei who was captured on film with her eyes gently closed and a contented smile, Perth based animal photographer Alex decided to capture more Zen moments.

Alex explains that a truly Zen worthy expression only happens when she and the dog are in sync. In that moment nothing else matters.

With words of wisdom added from many spiritual masters, Zen Dogs reminds us that dogs have the power to enrich our lives.



Animals in Translation

AUTHOR Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson

RRP: $31.95

I had many aha moments when I read this book. The author, Temple Grandin is an American professor of animal science, a consultant to the livestock industry on animal behaviour, and autism spokesperson. She is one of the first individuals on the autism spectrum to publicly share her personal insights and experience of autism.

This book offers an absorbing insight into animal love, friendship, communication, pain, fear, aggression and more, based on the fact that people with autism can often think and experience the sensory world the same way that animals do.


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The Dharma of Dogs

An anthology edited by Tami Simon

RRP: $26.99

This is a wonderful plunge of exploration into how our best friends can be our spiritual teachers. Compiling thirty one essays and photos from well-known spiritual teachers and writers, Tami Simon brings together an array of life lessons that our dogs make available to us. Sharing stories from Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, Chris Grosso and others, will have you exploring such themes as unconditional love, connecting with nature, facing our fears, and much more. It may even have you considering the dharma or virtues that you have experienced and learnt from your own interactions with dogs.




PetMassage™ Vectoring can support your dog’s recovery after paralysis tick poisoning

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The following link is to a research paper I undertook as part of my PetMassage training.

Living in a paralysis tick area and having had first-hand experience with paralysis tick poisoning, I see this as a helpful support resource and ask you to please share for the sake of the health of our beloved dogs.

 PetMassage™ Vectoring can support your dog’s recovery after paralysis tick poisoning

Repaying your dog's unconditional love – Holistic Bliss Magazine (Feb 2018)

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It truly is a wonderful feeling to share, or have shared, a ‘special’ relationship with a dog. Their intuitive awareness, conscious presence and endless friendship is a feeling you never forget, and rare to find between humans.

 While dogs appear to unconditionally ride our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual rollercoasters… do we ride theirs? Do we return the love?  

 I was deeply moved to learn that dogs do indeed live ‘in the moment’. However, they also hold, deep within their bodies, old memories, stresses, traumas and fears. Coupled with the well-known fact that our own human emotions may be adding to their discomfort, I think it’s time we recognised that dogs are more emotionally like us than we ever thought.

 I wanted to ‘give back’ to the dogs and help them regain their natural state of balance and emotional wellbeing. From this desire Zen Dog Massage was born, inspired by Zen – and dogs!

Zen is beyond definition, but many definitions attempt to capture it! It’s an attitude, not a belief.

Zen is present-centred and brings together body and mind to experience the fullness and unity of reality.

When I work with a dog, I create a ‘space’. A space of trust for the dog to ‘just be’ and experience. I acknowledge the interconnectedness of body, mind and emotions.

 By ‘space’ I’m referring to conscious space, I bring my entire presence to the dog. I take a walk with the dog on their inner journey without judgement, without intellectualising or needing to impact the outcome. I give my heart, let go of control and offer unconditional support.

From an inner stillness, I can connect with the dog at a deeper level where understanding is beyond words. In essence it is the dog’s customised experience in that particular moment.

The beautiful book with the perfect title­ – The Zen of Touch by Gwyn Williams bears a quote “Strip back the unconscious layers, dissolve the doubts that prevent you from being your boundless being”. How appropriate.

Using proven body energy techniques I will support the dog on their return journey back to that joyous boundless being.

Like humans, some journeys are fast while others have twists and turns requiring patient unravelling. You can be sure I will be there with awareness, appreciation, and the ability to feel and influence the dog’s energy, whatever the stress, wherever it lies and whatever form it’s in. 

I am forever grateful to the dogs that have shared and touched my life thus far and to the many more yet to come. I honour the place in you that is the same in me – Namaste.

Holistic Bliss Magazine

Holding space


When I work with a dog, I create a ‘space’ – a space of trust for the dog to ‘just be’ and experience. I acknowledge the interconnectedness of body, mind and emotions.

By ‘space’ I’m referring to conscious space, I bring my entire presence to the dog. I take a walk with the dog on their inner journey without judgement, without intellectualising or needing to impact the outcome. I give my heart, let go of control and offer unconditional support.

From an inner stillness, I can connect with the dog at a deeper level where understanding is beyond words. In essence it is the dog’s customised experience in that particular moment.

The beautiful book with the perfect title­ – The Zen of Touch by Gwyn Williams bears a quote “Strip back the unconscious layers, dissolve the doubts that prevent you from being your boundless being”. How appropriate.


Fascia – the ultimate connective tissue


All animals, including humans are born with and held together by a net of connective tissue known as fascia. Laying just beneath the skin this soft tissue webbing connects the skin to the muscles and bones, surrounds and connects organs, encapsulates blood vessels, muscle fibres, and forms ligaments, tendons, joint capsules and periosteum (a dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones). Every organ in the body, including the brain, is encapsulated in this unique connective tissue. Fascia is a whole body communication system.

A good analogy for fascia is a spider’s web. If you touch one part of the web, the entire web moves and provides immediate information. There is a connection between emotional patterns, depression, anxiety, trauma and the fascial system. The dog’s body retains memories in the fascia. These memories and emotional references are connected to body positions and movement patterns or holding patterns.

Injury or immobilisation of the fascia can result in reduced electrical conductivity, stress, poor posture, restricted movement, lower strength and endurance. Overall this will impact on the dog’s ability to move and learn.

At a cellular level the dog has an innate memory of correct shape, healthy movement and how it feels to live free of pain and restriction. Facilitating the gentle release of fascia memories, emotions and holding patterns will allow the dog to become more flexible and balanced, physically, mentally and emotionally.

PetMassage Vectoring principles


You can help your dog regain a natural state of homeostasis (equilibrium) with the gentle touch technique known as vectoring.

Vectoring forms the opening and closing sequences to a full PetMassage™ session as prescribed by Jonathan Rudinger, founder and director of the PetMassage Training and Research Institute, Toledo Ohio USA.

PetMassage™ Vectoring is an ordered sequence of still-holding two areas of the dog’s body at the same time, while observing the musculo-skeletal movement under your hands in the channel, or vector, between them. Vectoring is active observation.

Performed over fascia planes, Vectoring helps to release deep holding patterns, promotes the movement of chemicals inside the tissues, releases toxins and much more. Vectoring with your dog once a day, on alternate days, will give the dog time to integrate, assimilate and eliminate.

Vectoring draws the dog’s awareness and attention to specific areas of the body where the dog can focus on inner sensations, reacquainting themselves while in a calm and safe environment. In essence, Vectoring is helping the dog help themselves by supporting their inner healing.

Vectoring allows you to feel through your hands, as opposed to looking with your eyes. Feel the texture of the hair, the temperature of the coat, the minute movements in the fascia and muscles, the action of the lungs and the beating of the heart. Every movement means something.

Following is an extract from a research paper by the amazing Temple Grandin, Ph.D. on the Clinical Effects of Deep Tiouch Pressure.

Ref Calming Effects of Deep Touch Pressure in Patients with Autistic Disorder, College Students, and Animals - TEMPLE GRANDIN, Ph.D.

Deep touch pressure is the type of surface pressure that is exerted in most types of firm touching, holding, stroking, petting of animals, or swaddling. In contrast, light touch pressure is a more superficial stimulation of the skin, such as tickling, very light touch, or moving hairs on the skin. In animals, the tickle of a fly landing on the skin may cause a cow to kick, but the firm touch of the farmer's hands quiets her. Occupational therapists have observed that a very light touch alerts the nervous system, but deep pressure is relaxing and calming.

Interesting information!

Inspired by Zen – and Dogs


Zen is beyond definition but many definitions attempt to capture it! It’s an attitude not a belief.

Zen is present-centred and brings together body and mind to experience the fullness and unity of reality.

When working with you and your dog, I create a space of trust for your dog to ‘just be’ and experience. I acknowledge the interconnectedness of body, mind and emotions.

From an inner stillness, I can communicate with your dog at a deeper level where understanding is beyond words.

This, combined with proven healing massage techniques, allows deep relaxation and the chance for the body to find its own path to true wellbeing.