Every dog will receive multiple benefits from a Zen Dog Massage.
In some cases it's beneficial to direct the massage in a particular manner to affect a desired outcome for the dog.
For example, as our dogs age they tend to slow down, exercise less, become stiff and shield themselves from pain. They also experience atrophy or degeneration of the hair, skin, fascia and muscles.
A Senior Dog Massage will address the signs of aging using PetMassage™ techniques such as vectoring, assessment strokes, skin rolling, joint mobilisation, fascia scratching, cupping and rocking. Furthermore, it enhances the dog’s immune system, increases circulation, increases flexibility in the joints, supports and promotes healthy muscle tone and supports the nervous system. All-in-all this these make for a happier more relaxed and active senior dog.
So, it makes good sense to safeguard and support your dog’s well-being with a specialised massage session.
Typically the massage session last 30 - 40 minutes, but please allow an hour. In-house value $65.
Zen Dog Massage complements many veterinary and holistic treatments, and is a totally natural and heartfelt massage.